I was watching NCIS: Hawaii, luxuriating in the views of a lovely state that I've visited twice (in 1968 and 1991), and was sentimentally reminded of the fact that Hawaiian natives refer to us as "haulis": in some cases not in a complimentary fashion. I got to thinking about the pros and cons of our rapidly advancing civilization having encroached upon and enveloped a wide variety of non-advancing groups over the ages. I can see their point of our having, in some ways, spoiled their paradise islands. But there is a bigger picture that so many people miss. The longtime spreading civilizations of the Caucasoids and the Mongoloids (appropriate technical terms for Whites and Orientals) of this planet of ours have indeed spread out and "civilized" and advanced Africans, American Indians (they are NOT native Americans: they are no more native here than we are; they simply arrived thousands of years earlier; NO humans are native to the western hemisphere), Eskimos, Hawaiians, and many more groups, often with mixed results. However, our doing so was INEVITABLE and VITAL. Inevitable in the sense of the relentless pressure of Darwinian evolution: "survival of the fittest." Vital in the acknowledgement of the simple fact that no star or solar system lasts forever. The only chance of survival available to any sentient species anywhere in the universe is to expand beyond its own solar system, and any civilization failing to do so will absolutely go extinct. So, did we "violate" them, "take them over," and/or "offend" them? Maybe. But did we also potentially save their hides in the long run? Positively: at least we've given them a chance, along with us. So, whether we are "haulis," "gringos," or "honkies," we can also be called saviors of the human race.
If you could take all of the hyper-liberal hype that we've been pummeled with since 1968, and superimpose that mindset onto our cavemen ancestors, Cro-Magnon would have put all of the Neanderthals on welfare; they would have flourished instead of gone extinct, and we would be overrun with semi-sentient ape-men to this day.